The Joy of Appreciative Living, written by Jacqueline Kelm, is an excellent resource and motivator for increasing joy in your life and creating what you want in your life.
The concepts in this book are simple and effective. Essentially the author recommends focusing on what you appreciate in your life every day and revising and refining your "ideal life." There is a 28 day plan outlined in the book that takes 5 minutes every day. I recently finished my 28 days. Every morning, before I even got out of bed, I thought of 3 things I was grateful for and what one thing I was going to do that day to increase my joy. Then, when I was drinking my morning cup of coffee I would write down my appreciations and joy activity for the day. One thing I noticed is that by focusing on what I appreciate as my first thoughts of the day set the tone of my thinking for the rest of the day. Although appreciation is something my family and I do around the dinner table every night, I feel the Joy of Appreciative Living 28 day plan really strengthened my attention on the positive. Plus, taking time once a week to write down what I envision for my ideal life was very powerful in clearly connecting with what I want to create in my life. I have no doubt I will manifest my vision because it is already happening.
At the beginning of my January yoga classes, I will be inviting everyone to think about 3 things they are grateful for that day and one thing they can do to increase their joy. I encourage everyone to get a copy of the book Joy of Appreciative Living to get the details and background on the 28 day plan. This book will help you move in a positive and happy direction!