What if you wholeheartedly accepted yourself right now as good enough, not broken, as is....including all your neurosis, talents, fears, accomplishments and those extra pounds?
Does this seem like an unfamiliar mind set? I realized that for me it is. Underneath my "feel pretty good about myself most of the time.... except when I yell at my children, don't complete a project on time, spend over budget, blah, blah, blah"....that I have never really considered, forget embraced, that I am good enough as is. That perhaps I do not have to constantly pursue self improvement because I am lacking or fall short.
I am very curious about this idea of self acceptance and for the month of March I have collected a few books to help me look at this idea from various angles. I am learning, through my relatively new meditation practice and study, that the lessons of Buddhism have a strong message of acceptance in general.
Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach
Women, Food and God by Geneen Roth
Pocket Pema Chodron by Pema Chodron
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